Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim obj As JSON Set obj = GetJSON("test.json") Do While obj.HasNext MsgBox obj.getValue("id") & ":" & obj.getValue("name") Loop End Sub
'接続するURLのベース部分を指定 Private Const TARGET_URL As String = "http://www.example.com/" Public Function CreateHttpObject() As Object Dim objweb As Object '各種名称でHTTPオブジェクトの生成を試みる Err.Clear Set objweb = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") If Err.Number = 0 Then Set CreateHttpObject = objweb Exit Function End If Err.Clear Set objweb = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") If Err.Number = 0 Then Set CreateHttpObject = objweb Exit Function End If Err.Clear Set objweb = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") If Err.Number = 0 Then Set CreateHttpObject = objweb Exit Function End If Set CreateHttpObject = Nothing End Function Public Function GetData(ByVal url As String) As String Dim objweb As Object 'XMLHTTPオブジェクトを生成 Set objweb = CreateHttpObject() 'オブジェクトの生成に失敗していれば処理終了 If objweb Is Nothing Then GetData = "" Exit Function End If objweb.Open "GET", TARGET_URL & url, False objweb.Send GetData = objweb.responseText End Function Public Function GetJSON(ByVal url As String) As JSON Dim data As String Dim obj As JSON data = GetData(url) If data = "" Then Set GetJSON = Nothing Exit Function End If Set obj = New JSON Call obj.Parse(data) Set GetJSON = obj End Function
Private sc As Object Private current_id As Long Private max_id As Long 'コンストラクタ Public Sub Class_Initialize() 'コンストラクタで、JScriptオブジェクトを生成 Set sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl") With sc .Language = "JScript" '指定したインデックス、名称のデータを取得する .AddCode "function getValue(index, name) { return ary[index][name];}" '配列数取得用 .AddCode "function getLength() { return ary.length;}" End With current_id = -1 max_id = 0 End Sub 'JSON形式のデータを解析する Public Sub Parse(ByRef data As String) 'aryというオブジェクトに取得したJSON形式のデータを展開 sc.AddCode "var ary = " & data & ";" '配列数を確定 max_id = sc.CodeObject.getLength("") End Sub Public Function HasNext() As Boolean current_id = current_id + 1 HasNext = (current_id < max_id) End Function Public Function getValueAt(ByVal index As Long, ByVal id As String) As String getValueAt = sc.CodeObject.getValue(index, id) End Function Public Function getValue(ByVal id As String) As String getValue = getValueAt(current_id, id) End Function 'デストラクタ Public Sub Class_Terminate() End Sub
'JSONDecode Dim d As Object Dim elm As Object Set d = CreateObject("htmlfile") Set elm = d.createElement("span") elm.setAttribute "id", "result" d.appendChild elm Dim code As String code = code + "var ary = " & json & ";" code = code + "function getValue(index, name) { return ary[index][name];}" code = code + "document.getElementById('result').innerText = getValue(""index"",""name"");" d.parentWindow.execScript code, "JScript" Dim data data = elm.innerText